
Sponsorship Amount : $100.00 monthly

Meet John

  • Age: 20
  • School Level: College (Degree)
  • Favorite Hobby: Reading;Researching;Socializing/Networking
  • Aspires to Become: Computer Scientist
  • Home Background Information: John hails from a humble background of three. He has an elder brother and his mother. His father is late and he would have loved to have his father see his success in life. He says that it will not deter his long-life goal of being successful. He is currently staying with his brother, who is working in the city after his mother relocated to the up-county.
  • Personality Traits: The student is disciplined, determined, and social.
  • What Getting a Sponsor Would Mean: He says that this will provide him with enough anchorage to make the magic happen in life. He knows that this is possible through graduating and the sponsorship promises to make that a possibility.
John MUrithCropped_Image.png

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